Join Dr. Katarine Holewa for a discussion on
Tummy Trouble: getting to the root of digestive distress.
November 28, 2012
5:00 – 6:00pm
(Please arrive at 5, we’ll be starting shortly after)
So many people suffer from digestive concerns today, with symptoms ranging from pain and cramping to reflux to irritable bowel disease (Crohn’s & Ulcerative Colitis). Additionally, a great many seemingly unrelated conditions and symptoms that patients frequently suffer from (including eczema and psoriasis, poor immune health, headaches, mental/emotional imbalance (including anxiety and depression), fatigue, muscle pain and inflammation…, etc) may be directly related to poor gastrointestinal function.
The list of potential causes for the conditions is long, and often includes food sensitivities or allergies, as well as altered flora, Candida, enzyme deficiency, inflammation, etc…
Finding out if and what foods may be affecting you or else what else the cause may be could be key to improving your health now and preventing future disease!
Presented by Dr. Katarine Holewa, Naturopathic Physician
Please reserve your place by contacting Achieve Health Reception.
Ph: 250.384.5211
Email: reception@achievehealth.ca
Minimum participants: 6