You should always feel welcome to ask your RMT any question, but we do understand that some people feel a little bashful when it comes to talking about personal topics. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of some frequently asked questions that may be on your mind.
Do I have to remove all of my clothes?
We want our clients to be at ease during their appointment as much as possible. That said, it makes our job easier if all of your clothes are removed as we aren’t restricted in movement and technique. We are very skilled at draping our clients with sheets, blankets and towels so you never are exposed more than is necessary. However, if you feel uncomfortable about being unclothed, just dress to your own level of comfort, and we will work with it. This is a common occurrence. Your successful massage is dependent on your ability to relax and let us work with your muscles and soft tissues, so we will do whatever it takes to make that happen.
Can I ask you to avoid a certain area if it makes me feel uneasy?
If there are specific areas you want us to avoid, please, let us know. You are always in control of the treatment provided. We want your experience with us to be enjoyable. We can discuss different techniques and treatment strategies to accomplish your goals while still maintaining your comfort level throughout your session. Often this can be achieved by massaging certain areas over top of the sheets, or just by bypassing them all together.
Should I tell my therapist if the pressure is too much for me?
Absolutely. You should always let us know when something isn’t working for you, so we can make the most out of your time with us – and so that you will look forward to coming back to see us again. Every person responds differently to massage, so if you feel that you would appreciate more or less pressure during your session, be sure to speak up! We promise not to be offended!
Is it ok to fall asleep during my session?
Who doesn’t want an extra cat-nap now and again? Having a massage can often make clients drowsy, and yes – people do fall asleep on the table. As RMT’s, we are never offended that our work has made people feel relaxed! Most often, by the end of a treatment, clients are in a restful state, breathing slow, deep breaths. It is our goal to have you feeling your best when you leave our table – how you use the session is up to you!
What happens if I’m feeling ‘uncomfortable’?
Gas happens. Especially when you are laying on your belly, having your body pressed and manipulated. We’d hate to think you were missing out on the benefits of your massage because you were worried about natural body noises. As professional RMT’s, we’ve definitely heard it before. No need to even mention it!
I prefer a male or female therapist – is it ok to change RMT’s when I arrive for my appointment?
We know some patients have a preference between male and female therapists, and we are always happy to oblige. If you know that you would rather work with a specific gender, we’d appreciate your letting us know at the time of booking so we can plan accordingly. That said, if you are feeling uncomfortable with your assigned therapist for any reason at all, let us know and we will make it right.
We’ve seen – and heard – it all
We are professionals in our field and have had a great deal of experience dealing with people who may feel vulnerable or anxious for some reason or another. It’s our job to help you to embrace your therapy and enjoy its full benefits. That’s why we encourage our clients to speak to any one of our RMT’s if there is something that can be said or done to help put them at ease. Trust us, you won’t be the first to ask, and you certainly won’t be the last.